
There are openings available for interested undergraduate researchers, PhD students, post-doctoral researchers, and research scientists in the Habanero lab at Georgia Tech.  Interested applicants should send email to Prof. Sarkar (vsarkar at, and cc: his assistant, Elizabeth Ndongi (ndongi at

  • Faculty: Vivek Sarkar
  • Administrative Assistant: Elizabeth Ndongi
  • Research Scientists: Akihiro Hayashi, Jun Shirako, Jiawei Yang, Jeff Young, Jisheng Zhao
  • PhD Students: Matthew Davis, Youssef Elmougy, Feiyang Jin, Devin Pohl, Shubhendra Pal Singhal, Matthew Whitlock, Ziteng Yang
  • MS Students: Aniruddha Mysore, JT Parrish
  • Undergraduate Students: Charles Jenkins, Tsz Hang Kiang, Sharan Sathish
  • Other collaborators at Georgia Tech:
    • Parallel algorithms: Srinivas Aluru, Umit Catalyurek, Rich Vuduc, …
    • Parallel architectures: Tom Conte, Hyesoon Kim, Tushar Krishna, Celine Lin, Arijit Raychowdhury, …
    • PL/SE: Vijay Ganesh, Alex Orso, Santosh Pande, Qirun Zhang, …
    • Systems: Ada Gavrilovska, Taesoo Kim, Wenke Lee, Kishore Ramachandran, Alexey Tumanov,  …